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Friday 25 April 2014

Eva and Mary

Easter Day
“Finally Easter`s Here, That Means Easter Egg Hunt!” yelled Emily
Sprinting down the stairs step by step, she stuffed her face with toast. She searched under her bed, and in her wardrobe she looked high and low. Out of the corner of her eyes she spotted her art box, so she slowly walked to her art box and peaked inside “HORRAY” she cried      “ I FOUND ONE.” After 20 minutes of searching  she saw gold foil under the chair she found another one. An hour went by then she finally gave up. Out of know where her dog approached her with a bell in his mouth. She knew her dog ate her easter eggs. 

James and Emad

One summer day, I gave a delicious Easter egg to my friend James. He was exited.
And went back to his house to keep it safe. The next day when I went to James’s house he shouted, “Were is my Easter egg! “Maybe my Yorkshire terrier could have ate it! We both went to find the Easter egg, James went to look in his room while I was looking in the garden.

I was tired so I said to James “I’m leaving to go back home. But I couldn’t find my Easter egg. Don’t worry I’ll get you an even better Easter egg.      


Happy Easter! My name is Nettle Hogwarts and I’d like to tell you a story. It all starts with my clever mum.  My mum, whilst making breakfast on Easter morning, gave me a simple challenge, a challenge I thought would be eeeeeeezy! How wrong was I! She told me to look after a shiny egg. Yep, an egg. She also said that I had to watch it properly! So I did. I decorated it with a pink fluffy ballerina tutu. I drew a face of a doggie because it was my favourite pet, and gave it a home. The next day it was gone! I searched everywhere but I couldn’t find the egg. Suddenly I heard a tweet! Was the egg hatched? Or was it just me? As I followed the tweet I saw something yellow! It was a baby hen! I called mum and dad and they adored it! Well I had to admit it was kinda cute. Well that’s my story! Good bye and the end!

Heather and Tanya

Hi, I’m Meg the marvellous magpie, have you ever looked at something shimmering and think ‘OMG I want it so badly!’ Well that’s happening to me, there’s this egg on the inside of the window sill and the people that live there have gone on holiday (yes!) I have a plan. Gliding gracefully through the letter box I use my beak senses to track down my precious and make it be MINE!
I soar straight for the window sill however it isn’t there! I’m searching up, down, left, right and centre but I can’t find the egg …
Finally I give up. What a shame!                               

Mason, Maison and Joseph

One stormy night in GTA, Franklin went out for an egg hunt  with Michael and Trevor. They hopped cautiously in the bright pink Bugatti Vayron, to find the alien Easter Egg, it was somewhere in the forest. They saw the sign saying ‘Dangourous Place!’ They strolled into the deep, dark forest and all they could see was darkness. Consequently they could not find the egg because it was pitch black. They had a choice, die or survive by finding the egg. Suddenly, a spark of light appeared 50 metres away. The egg was right infront of them in the bushes, but as they approached…

Millie S and Georgina

Easter Day
The Easter Bunny was getting ready to hide his eggs for it was EASTER! Everybody was looking forward to lots of chocolate, but that’s not what they got…

Mayor Hoppsalot was announcing the start of the Easter egg hunt and once it started a little human-bunny called Bob tried but he couldn’t find an egg! When he finally did, the Easter bunny, grinning from ear to ear, crept up on him and sliced his head off with a silver spoon. Afterwards he squeaked “You’d better leave my precious scrumptious eggs alone…” and then he disappeared, only returning to collect more heads to turn into eggs! 

Kelly and Jessica

One Spring morning, I was woken up by my nasty sister called
Louise. I went down the slippery, spiral staircase to see what she wanted, and then at that very moment I heard we were going on an Easter Hunt. My mum roared like a lion.

“Why are you still in your night gown?” I rushed to get changed and dragged my mum out of the door. We got in the blood red car and skidded up the road. We finally got there after a half hour drive. My mum and I raced off but I couldn’t find the eggs! Devastatingly there were none left for us!

Tina and Millie W

Missing Easter egg
Reward offered if found
On Easter Sunday the Easter bunny left my wonderful daughter Daisy a marvellous, colourful egg, however somebody has stolen it!
If you find it please contact me (Daisy’s Dad) at: 077 832 643 92 or 555 832 477 10
She quotes:
“I searched and searched but I could not find my egg!”
The egg in question is purple and green with pink daisies on it.
The thief was riding a yellow Bob the builder tricycle and was wearing an Elmo jumper.

A reward of £8 will be given to the person who finds poor Daisy’s egg before it’s too late!

Jamie and Emmanuel

The big hunt
One Easter morning I was extremely excited because a few weeks ago I had hidden a giant Easter egg for my little brother. I had hidden it in a really good place where I knew where he wasn’t allowed to go.
I rushed down to the basement, I got a ladder and climbed up to the top shelf and looked but I couldn’t find the egg! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO? I searched everywhere but it was nowhere to be seen.

I went in to my living room and there was my little brother stuffing his face with the chocolate egg…

Kerry and Cydni

The Easter egg Hunt
One superb Easter Sunday morning 4 girls, Cydni, Kelly, Kerry and Jessica, decided to go on an Easter egg hunt. There were 16 chocolate eggs in Cydni’s garden. The girls each had to find 4 eggs. Cydni found 3 and Kelly found 5 so she ate Cydni’s egg by accident! Cydni was as angry as a shark! All the girls went to get a refreshing drink but not Kerry… she ended up eating all the rest of the delicious Easter eggs! Next Jessica, Kelly and Cydni came back to the garden where they found Kerry being sick because she ate 15 eggs! The girls were angry therefore Kerry said, “I’m so sorry I’ll buy you all an Easter egg each!” 


One misty morning it was Easter Sunday, I got up and got dressed to go outside to play , all of a sudden I saw a colourful Easter egg. So I went over to investigate the egg. I thought to myself what could this be? So I went inside to get a magnifying glass to have a closer look, however I couldn’t find the egg when I came back, so I said to myself “How bizarre!”  I turned around and saw a huge dragon and legged it inside and hid under my bed.  Suddenly, I heard a smash …