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Friday, 9 May 2014

James and Emad

The bee twit

One sunny day, when he came out of bed, Daddy Bee was ever so tired. The bumble bee was super-sized. He was so fat that he couldn’t even fly! The next extraordinary day, he had a try to fly but the other bees did not believe that he could fly. However this was the day he was going to FLY!  Unfortunately he dropped suddenly and without a doubt he was dead lying on the grass. Dead as a run over fox! The bee police came as soon as possible, when the family of the fat bee heard that he was dead they were devastated.

1 comment:

  1. James and Emad: yours is the first story I've read so far from the point of view of the bee. It's a well-told story too, with just the right pace and some good vocabulary.


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