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Friday, 9 May 2014

Millie W

Crime scene

“No cuts, no bruises, looks like it was an unlucky sting!” muttered Ducky.

“But who could of done it” argued Ziva, examining the stinger.

“A not very lucky person.” Laughed Anthony.

“That is a terrible joke, honestly” Ziva laughed.

“Well, we will have to take it back, not mentioning names DiNozzo!” smirked Gibbs.

“What!” Anthony cried

“That’s what you get for the terrible joke” giggled Ziva.


“What we got Abbs?” asked Gibbs.

“Well we have two suspects, Harry Colby and Jamie Alexis.”

“Do we have any more info?” asked Gibbs.

“Not at the moment in fact there is nothing more about them to!” 








  1. I got the joke but did not understand the rest of the story. I did like how your characters laughed, giggled and cried in the story, those words are very descriptive. Keep writing!

  2. Hi Millie,
    A lovely conversational piece.
    I loved the use of your word "smirked".
    Well done for entering this weeks 100 Word Challenge!
    Mrs Symonds (Team 100WC)
    Cambridge, UK


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