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Friday 13 December 2013

Was it a dream? By Mary and Kerry

I woke up one peaceful morning to find I was in a magical room full of majestic paints and a flip chart as you can see I’m an art freak. I tried it out
I went mad with the excitement of it all.

I used up most of the paints but it seems like its everlasting I LOVE it here its my dream home
Then suddenly the paint board began to glow then in chalk something was written on the paper
Turn this page over as i turned it over i was in my room!


The Portal Painting by Heather

I’ve been trapped here for days, this old witch decided to give me, seven tasks in one week, or face her wrath. It had taken two days to figure out six; however I had been stopped to a halt on the last challenge. . .
Day four comes by; I’m not a step closer to figuring it I’m frustrated and confused. What type of challenge has vibrant paints, pastels and a flip chart?

 Finally, giving up, I drew a precise landscape of the outside world as she stepped back and slid on some paint falling into the drawing and free for life.

The Crystal Mirror by Jafna

One day, after school my friends and I were coming to my house, when on the way we spotted a rusty, old metal key
“Wow,” exclaimed Millie, “I wonder where that came from?”
“I don’t know!” I replied looking worriedly at the key. When all of a sudden a whoosh of light enfolded us, so did some mysterious wind and here we were. All of us were locked in a castle turret. “SAVE US!!!!!!!!!!” screamed Eva, as petrified as a mouse. And just like that a crystal mirror appeared, instantly Tanya walked into the mirror! Sending us all into panic. When Tanya came out a minute later there were all the paints you could imagine. One thing they didn’t know was that if you touched any of the paints you would be dead and evil, luckily I did know, as I had a book about a crystal mirror. I lunged forward and broke the mirror. Out of nowhere we were back home I still had the key. But was it a dream?

The Devil’s Charm by Tina

Ruth was standing, wind shaken, flabbergasted in an igloo full up with the most vibrant inks, pastels, paints and pencils. Ruth couldn’t resist. She was born an artist and this was god’s way of telling her. She picked up a fine, bristled bush and a pot of blood red paint. The picture she would paint was hell. As she finished the final stroke of the brush, a flaming hand reached out of the canvas and dragged her into its world. Ruth was too petrified to scream. Now she could see flame and fury. In the distance, she spotted a crystal mirror glinting in the orange light. In which she didn’t see herself, but a handsome devil holding out his hand. Charmed by his looks, she took his hand and lived forever in hell.

She had been tricked.


One scary evening, I was strolling home from the shops and something grabbed me and locked me in a dungeon. I just didn’t know where I was. After a disturbed night I woke up and saw lots of brightly coloured paint and a blank white easel.

I picked up a paintbrush, chose a colour. As I started to paint, a crystal ball appeared before a blink of an eye, I was sucked up into the crystal ball and I landed up in crystal city. I thought it was a portal and IT WAS.I was stuck there forever...

The Great Mirror by Millie W

Dear diary,

Today the great mirror came; it covered the whole of the landing wall. Giant glittery crystals gleamed in every direction, but somehow it just didn’t look right, the mirror looked very blurry. My mum rushed up stairs and snapped “have you been touching my mirror with your grubby mitts making it blurry?” “no” I snapped back.

Boom! I had fallen into the blurry, crystal mirror, not knowing what had happened I opened a tall wooden door that led to a huge room full of art supplies, my dream had come true. Paints, chalk, brushes, water paint everything I could ever wish for in one room.

            But how would I escape?


Men in Black by Eva

Riding slowly through the foggy woods Emily saw a splodge of paint leading deep into the woods. She decided to follow it.
Once the trail stopped she gazed at a tall building with no windows or doors. Meanwhile her parents were worried sick because they didn’t know where she was. Finally she had found a gap. She was surprised that there were millions of paint and brushes. She got to work but suddenly found a man laying dead.
“Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh!” She shrieked.
Moving out of the dark was the exact man in black but his eye was sewed up.
“Join us join us?“ They chanted but she refused. Pushing her back onto the wall they bit her... she turned into one of them..

Epic Adventure by James

One spectacular day, a portal appeared in the middle of the deep, dark forest. When the people were venturing into the forest they noticed a beautiful mirror. That the people from the world who were visiting the forest looking for animals to put in the zoo. Suddenly, when they were looking they found the most amazing thing in the world-The crystal mirror! They gazed for years under its curse; it makes anyone a slave and protector for all eternity, no one can escape the curse!


The magic paint brush by Joseph

One calm Sunday, Joey was casually strolling in the mysterious forest when, all of a sudden, he fainted. The next moment he woke up in an amazing art room, there were illuminous paint, coloured pencils and pens, brightly coloured crayons and all the art stuff an artist could wish for! He then realised he was trapped! He drew something; a football; it came to life! Joey had a great idea and he drew a magical portal to get out of the room. Bravely he cautiously went through. The magical portal lead him to a different dimension...

Scary Evening by Kelly and Jessica

One scary evening I heard a loud crash “ahhh” I screamed in fear. Suddenly, I heard it again and followed the noise as it was beckoning down the hall. It led me to a dark, dingy room.

When I slowly slipped my thin body in to the gap of the creepy door, there it was ... a plain strip of paper lying on the dusty damp grey floor surrounded by bright beautiful paints and pastels. I glanced at the plain paper I started to draw a house and then something happened, I ran to the door to get mum ...

The magic painting room! by Georgina and Mayeda

“Mum could you put the kettle on?” I asked. My friend Georgina is coming, oh yes, I forgot to tell you my name is Mayeda and I’m just an ordinary girl in an ordinary town with an ordinary cupboard. Well I thought so before something happened...a few hours ago when we bought a new cupboard (the cupboard I mentioned last time) Georgina and I were checking it out when something just sucked us in!
“Where are we?”Georgina said frantically.
“I don’t know,” I replied, “all I know is that we’re stuck in this bizarre painting room with no way out!”

Super Painters by Tanya

It was snowy Christmas Eve, Jack and Bella, were out getting Christmas presents for their parents “I know what to get mum”
“A cooking set. She loves to cook”
“For dad we can give him a new watch.”
Later after they bought presents they entered this magic room with lots of paints and a plain flip chart.
Then Bella painted a brown door. In a flash the paining came to life. They walked through the door and it took them to somewhere that only one person knew mum but how she know they’re there. How Would she find out?

Crystal Mirror by Mason

One day I was sitting in my room looking board. Someone was knocking on the door and it was my friend Reece. I did not realise it was snowing so then Reece and I had a massive snowball fight. All of a sudden a portal came out of nowhere. We had to check it out. So Reece and I went into the portal. When we got in it was just a big empty room with painting supplies. Suddenly Reece ran into the portal! He was too much of a chicken to come back in! I went too close to the mirror...


The crystal canvas by Millie S

One day two sisters, with their father, decided to visit the local charity shops.
“What’s that?” Amelia asked.
“It’s a magic canvas brought in by an old priest!” she answered.
“Dad, can we buy it?” Britney pleaded.
He nodded. That afternoon while the girls were sitting in their room they decided to try it out.
“Let’s paint a fairy!” Britney suggested.
“Sure!” Amelia agreed.
As soon as the girls had finished, a bright flash of light shone around the canvas. Then suddenly, the fairy popped out of the painting!
“Wow!” they shouted.
As they grew older, they became greedier and their greed lead to the consumption of the world.

Friday 6 December 2013

A Stormy Night by Maison and Emmanuel

One stormy night I was walking down the canyon then I jumped into a river. Then...

“AHHHHHHHH” a noise out of nowhere and a cave popped up. And it had red all over it and BANG! It sounded like a mineshaft working. But SPLAT blood came screaming out on me! I ran into the cave and I saw blood everywhere.  The cave was as red as a devil. I ran down the stairs I came to a dark tunnel and KA BOOM. Then the noise stopped. I fell down a hole then I saw spikes then BANG my life was over.  

The Noise by Kelly and Jessica

One terrifying day, I was sitting in bedroom doing homework, listening to my music with my friend Kelly. When we suddenly heard a gut wrenching noise like someone was screaming down a broken microphone. My friend and I pulled out the earphones out of the socket when we suddenly jumped out of the chair like a pair of terrified chicken shaking like mad.

“What is going on?” shouted Kelly

“I have no idea” screeched Jessica

All of the sudden the door slung open as I walked towards it.

“Ahhh” we both screamed

Then the noise suddenly stopped... “ahhhh...”

Deaths summons me

As I watched her open the creaking gate I hoped, with all my strength, that what people had said about that house wasn’t true. It was rumoured that the very garden we were standing in was the place where death himself had taken a little child for his own. The next thing I know, I’m standing baffled, in the middle of an ancient hallway which looked as if a murder had taken place there. I heard a strange scratching coming from the dining room. 

I let out a shrill scream and the noise stopped.

“So you came, alas, I haven’t had a new victim in a while”

 He hissed

“Come to me child and let me invite you to live forever as one of my loyal servants!”