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Friday 9 May 2014


One summer day I was sitting by my window doing my homework when all of a sudden I was startled by a buzzing sound. I went to ask my mum what it was, but she was not there, so I called my friend and informed her that my mum has gone missing “ so has mine!” shouted Jessica.

 “What should we do?” I cried, “ I think there is something in my garden wait, I’m going to look”

 “ok” Jessica replied ,there in my garden was the bee, I screamed, I picked  the phone up and  Jessica rang the police…

Millie W

Crime scene

“No cuts, no bruises, looks like it was an unlucky sting!” muttered Ducky.

“But who could of done it” argued Ziva, examining the stinger.

“A not very lucky person.” Laughed Anthony.

“That is a terrible joke, honestly” Ziva laughed.

“Well, we will have to take it back, not mentioning names DiNozzo!” smirked Gibbs.

“What!” Anthony cried

“That’s what you get for the terrible joke” giggled Ziva.


“What we got Abbs?” asked Gibbs.

“Well we have two suspects, Harry Colby and Jamie Alexis.”

“Do we have any more info?” asked Gibbs.

“Not at the moment in fact there is nothing more about them to!” 








The Bumble be song

I’m a buzzy bee my name is B,

 I zoom around the hive never asking why I sing my favourite song buzz buzz.

 I put my toosh on flowers yellow ones the most collecting lots of pollen to take back to the swarm.

My favourite hobby making sweeeet honey.

I see people on the floor eating yummy food.

I sit on a girls shoulder she turns and looks at me look at me then suddenly she screams “ahhhh mummyyy there’s a giant bee on me!”

 (sing really fast) she flicks me she swats me she kicks me.

So I get scared sting here and that’s the end of B.


Bee Tornado 


Suddenly, one stormy day, a postman who was delivering letters spotted a large, dark cloud, circling towards his neighbourhood. It started to quickly spiral downwards. As the cloud got bigger and bigger, the postman saw that it was giant bees. He yelled, “Help, save the neighbourhood!”

The residents of the street heard the shout, one of them phoned the police for help. They sent some pest controllers, who gasped in horror, when they saw the size of the bees. Quickly, they suited up put the chemicals together and sprayed the swarm. Some of the bees escaped but the men collected the ones that had died,to take back to their laboratory to find out the secret of their giant size!


Welcome to BBC news

I am Tanya and this is Tom, we are reporting about a very large bee in Mexico, be careful because it likes to travel around the world.

So the best ways to stay safe: put a hard helmet on with a hard book on top; make sure you always look on our website at news /giant; ensure you always watch the news for extra information. 
 Now on some different news, the football cup is now moved to Rio de Janario, Brazil I all hope that you have a wonderful weekend and good bye.




It all started when I came back from holiday, there was a giant bee in my bed room!

It was ginormous! The biggest bee I have ever seen in my life, we have no idea how it got in here. Mum thinks I lifted my window open but I couldn’t have lifted my window open as I never have my window open.

Dad thought it was living in the loft all along, “It has happened before with me, be careful not to get stung as this bee is the queen bee.”

I am worried that there could be a swarm of bees above us and we have their QUEEN…


Heather and Emmanuel

Swiftly, clinging on for dear life, we sailed through scorching sky below the orange sun. The cool breeze was as welcoming as a log fire on a winter’s morning. Grasping the ebony fuzz, I squealed deafeningly as, my loyal friend the giant bee, cackling with laughter dived screaming down, cutting through the air like a knife. Suddenly he stopped millimetres above the Pacific Ocean hovering in mid-air.   Finally recovering from the ‘attempted   murder’  I lowered my hand to the water  and felt  the calm  salty water  against my  skin as his white lace like wings fluttered rapidly under the sun. 


Today was craziest day in the world! It all started with a Polish scientist (my dad). He made a new invention called ‘Sigh- gro –phobia’. Which could make anything in the whole world colossal. The scientist (Daddy!) tested his invention on a tiny baby bee. Do you know what happened? Well the bee grew and smashed the room. Next one of its wings went small and went out of control - going round and round. My dad and his scientist friend started to test the giant bee. Suddenly the bee went small again before they could finish their tests.

James and Emad

The bee twit

One sunny day, when he came out of bed, Daddy Bee was ever so tired. The bumble bee was super-sized. He was so fat that he couldn’t even fly! The next extraordinary day, he had a try to fly but the other bees did not believe that he could fly. However this was the day he was going to FLY!  Unfortunately he dropped suddenly and without a doubt he was dead lying on the grass. Dead as a run over fox! The bee police came as soon as possible, when the family of the fat bee heard that he was dead they were devastated.


Good morning and welcome to the six o clock news. I’m Amelia lemon and today... Would you believe it?! A giant bee has just been found in Buckingham palace! John lime has the story.

“Hello and welcome to the queens home where a mutant bee has just been discovered!”


“Well I wouldn’t have FOUND it if it wasn’t for my corgi who heard some buzzing,” She remarked.

“Your majesty the forensics say that it’s a queen bee, so should you move home in case any other bees come?”

“OH, no need they already have!”

(loud buzzing sound…)



Bee Swarm

They swarm in a tornado, big and small.

The workers make honey, they know it’s very yummy.

They would sting you whatever the weather.

Their wings carry them very high up into the blue sky.

They collect pollen from flowers, filled with beautiful colours.

The queen bee makes a noise of a mouse, then the others would obey her.

They have sticky little hair like fur.

They’re black and yellow with spots of honey like jelly.

Like glue, the pollen sticks to their legs.



Bumbling along the windy windy road looking for somewhere to stay

With Fields of flowers that I can devour

*yaaawwn!* but maybe I’ll do that another day

I sit down on a bench and close my eyes, little do I know that I will die

A vast elephant of a person is about to park themselves upon me


Rest in peace poor little bee

“I’m going to heaven” whimpered he

Busby is dead and now I can see

That busby, will go to heaven and fly, fly free.

By Joseph and Mason



One thunderous night there were two boys, Maison and Joseph, in the wilderness of South Africa. They were building a camp fire deep in the jungle. Suddenly…


They wondered what that noise was. Looking high up in the canopy they saw a Giant Bee, it zoomed across the Jungle. Whilst the boys were distracted a lion pounced on to Maison. Joseph got the gun and BANG! “There’s dinner!” pronounced Maison. On the fire they cooked the meat and had dinner.
One thunderous night there were two boys, Maison and Joseph, in the wilderness of South Africa. They were building a camp fire deep in the jungle. Suddenly…
They wondered what that noise was. Looking high up in the canopy they saw a Giant Bee, it zoomed across the Jungle. Whilst the boys were distracted a lion pounced on to Maison. Joseph got the gun and BANG! “There’s dinner!” pronounced Maison. On the fire they cooked the meat and had dinner.
“HEELP!” Shouted Maison. As the bee took him away there was nothing Joseph could do. He was stranded in the middle of nowhere…

By Jessica and Cydni

Breaking news

YESTERDAY evening, Mr Johnson (45 from Stonebridge Avenue) was in his garden planting some roses, when he heard a strange buzzing sound. He didn’t play any attention to it despite the sound getting louder and louder! Suddenly, he was alerted by a massive, swarm of buzzing things that looked like a tornado.

Quickly, Mr Johnson’s wife and kids ran indoors to safety. While Mr Johnson, very bravely, took pictures.
Later in the evening, the beekeepers arrived and had a genius idea to distract the other bees and get the queen bee into a bee box. Next all the other bees followed their queen. Press the red button for more news…

Giant by Millie S

Wendy was a very greedy girl. She got everything she wanted plus she never learned how to do anything; she had servants for everything. But her greediness doomed her…

One day, Wendy was sauntering along the pavement when a underprivileged starving ancient man

Crawled up to her and asked “Can I have an apple? I need to feed my family.”

“No! You’re old and disgusting, get away from me!” Shouted Wendy.

Then the old man looked at her furiously and then, quick as a flash, Wendy suddenly disappeared! When she returned, she was in a word of giant bees which then violently devoured her alive as soon as they spotted her.


One thunderous night, when everyone was asleep, a giant shadow was floating across wall to wall. Nobody knew what it was. Nobody knew where it came from.

The next morning, when everyone was awake, they found that their houses had collapsed into tiny pieces of rubble. Nobody knew what did this.

The next night everyone was awake to find that this terrible creature was tearing up buildings. People were thinking what could have done this to their houses. 2 hours later they saw a giant bee with a stinger the length of a jumbo jet. WHAT HAPPENED NEXT?...  

Friday 2 May 2014

Guss Guss by James

     One gloomy day my mum sent me to granddad Dave’s farm. When it was dinner I heard granddad talking about someone called Guss Guss on the phone. After dinner I went round the back of the farm and in the barn there were weird symbols on a cupboard. When I opened the cupboard there was a monster that looked like a black hair ball, it was the scariest thing I have ever seen. Suddenly the door flung open, it was granddad Dave. I had to go and hide but Guss Guss has escaped! What was I to do? Two weeks later Guss Guss had destroyed half of America.

The world is doomed!   

The hornted cupboard by Kerry

One cloudy, dark night a little7 year old  girl called Charlotte heard a loud bang coming from her bedroom. So she tiptoed up to her wonderful bedroom and hid behind the door.She heard another bang coming from her cupboard.Charlott opend it slowly but when she opend the cupboard door something grabed her in.Is it her brother playing a trick on her? There was devel red blood dripping from the cupboard.Emma charlotts my was calling her “charlotte dinner is ready”but no reply “charlott come and get your chicken burger and chips”Still no answer so mum goes to get charlotte out of her room and finds blood all over the floor and scream photos everywhere in charlotts room behind her door was scream… 


One day in the city of Enford, lived a man. His name was Stan. He had a wife called Addet, she was a beautiful, young, truthful human being. A few months later Stan wanted a son. But when the baby arrived it was a girl. Stan couldn’t believe his eyes! He divorced Addet and killed the baby! After a week went, he realised his mistake! 6 years passed by and he just got married to a selfish queen. He got blind with money and kept them in a cupboard. One day the king was sent to a trip to finland. When he came back he quickly came to his bed room. And when he opend the cupboard door…

The perfect dress by Mary

Hello there, my name is Mallery. It’s my birthday in two days I am going to turn 16. I’m so excited. BUT there is one down side, in this colossal house there are loads of dresses, but none of them are the right one. Mum says I’m just being picky but I am not, I just need a perfect dress for a perfect birthday party. You know what I mean”.
Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday to meeee wait...I still don’t have a dress and my party’s in 1 hour mummm! Mum bursted into the room 
“What’s wrong Mallery?” 
“I can’t find  a dress to wear.” 
“Look in your cupboard darling.” 
When I opened the cupboard door an alumnus emerald dress  with purple diamonds! I froze. 
“Happy birthday honey.” 
“I love you so much mum.”

The hand by Jafna

One frightening night I, Olivia, was left alone at home whilst my parents went to hospital. The next morning as I went down the clackety stairs. I noticed mum and dad still hadn’t come home and my little sister Sally stated crying “I want mummy and daddy!”
“I’m sorry Sally but they can’t come yet.” Then my sister said she was hungry so I went to the huge kitchen to get us both breakfast. However, when I came back to the lounge she was outside. “Sally! Come back here now!” I screamed “6 year olds do not leave the house without permission or an adult.”

“Sorry!” Sally exclaimed. That night, as I put sally to sleep, the phone rang so I went to get it. On my way I noticed a tapping in the cupboard …and when I opened the cupboard door …a hand reached out to me …

Trapped in the cupboard by Emad

One blazing hot day I said to my dad “Can I play football?” He replied “yes!” So I went out to play. After a while, I went back in, I strolled to the kitchen and when I slowly opened the cupboard door BANG! It was a portal to chocolate land! I was amazed! There was chocolate everywhere but how did I get here? I could see the gooey, scrumptious chocolaty hearts, I also saw the amazing tasty cars. I couldn’t believe my eyes! There was mouth-watering chocolate buildings!  But I had to go back my house. That was a fantastic hot day!         


Today is the day I got to go to work with dad. “Hello Dad, am I still coming to work with you today?”
“Yes Lorain you are.” I rapidly rushed up the stairs, I chose my lovely purple t-shirt, and my sky light blue jeans to wear “Hurry up Lorain!”
We skidded out the door, to the black Jaguar car and raced up the road. We finally arrived at the office. Dad says,
“Go make the tea will you.” I found the tea room and the cupboard but there were no cups… just a hole! Stupidly I climbed into the cupboard and fell down the hole. Where was I? It looked like a forest.


Creepy Cupboard by Kelly and Eva

One DARK STORMY NIGHT, a twirling tornado ruined a mansion as colossal as a skyscraper. Crash! The cupboard fell onto the slippery, mushy ground.
The next morning. I was walking to school. I saw a wrecked mansion. Unhurriedly I strode to it and when I opened the cupboard door…
“Aaaaaarrrrrrrrhhhhhhhh!” I screamed
A luminous green hand, with long sharp nails, pulled me in it ate me.

 My mum came rushing. The school lessons were over. She looked everywhere. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a cupboard, she opened it. She was eaten…


On a hot, sunny day I was playing football with my friends in my garden. However, the ball went flat. So I went up too my room to get the foot pump out my cupboard. But my cupboard was so big I had to get inside it. Then out of nowhere my older brother (who I hate) locked me inside it! So what do I do now? I can’t play football and pump the ball up. I grabbed my pump and smashed open the door and got the ball and pumped it up. But my friends were all gone. Have they opened the cupboard door as well?

Stuck in the cupboard by Emmanuel

I went into the garage and I was looking for my stash of toys, I careful reach with my hand  to get a Spongebob toy,  suddenly I got stuck in the cupboard,  I was banging on the door to get out.  I was shouting out for my mum  but she couldn’t hear me because she was down stairs. But I remembed my brother was outside.  I shouted “Bob! Bob! Then someone was there, I could hear foot steps,  it was my dad, he put all his muscle to try and open it,  but he needs the key . So he rushed down stairs to get the key , it then got me  out.

Nightmare by Millie W


“Where could that key have got to?” Thought Jude, wandering around the mysterious abandoned houses, which were no taller than a van; no wider than two pillows put together.
“HELP!” screamed a small girly voice.
“Where are you?” Jude replied
Jude bent down then picked up a small china doll which was crying uncontrollably…
“Our city was destroyed by some person who was looking for the key.” Explained the china doll.
“That’s my key!” Jude said excitedly.

“It is in the cupboard over there, take it if you want.” The doll said. However when she opened the cupboard door it was not there… 

The monstrous cupboard by Tanya and Georgina

“Mum I can’t find my football kit!”
“Well look in the cupboard”
Hi I’m Ashley, as you can tell I love football, today is my special football tournament and I can’t find my kit ,basically I can’t find anything in my room because my room is a muddle, my mum is so annoying because she never helps me find my stuff I know what you’re  thinking , tidy my room.  Well it’s not easy. I will look in the cupboard and there it is my kit. wow it’s a whirl pool. “ahhhhhhhhhhh! ”

“mum mum mum” I think  I will die (WHAT HAPPENS NEXT)…

Poem by Heather

I skulked down the stairs in the dead of night,
The creaking floorboards presented a fright.
I slinked into the kitchen,
Then slipped[61]  onto the floor,
“Oh my God, that stupid door!”
I got back on my feet,
And searching for a midnight treat,
My eyes found the cupboard.
I smiled with glee.
My hand gripped the handle,
And when I opened the cupboard door,
I squealed in delight!
 It was filled with cookies, chocolate and sugary sweets,
 So I grabbed all could and sat in the corner to eat,
All of a sudden the lights flicked on,
As by the door a pair of livid eyes shone…

Spirit By Tina

     I always wondered what was in that cupboard at school but now I wish I never found out.
It all started one rainy afternoon, when I was at school. I remember going to the toilet but on my way I discovered, once again, the mysterious cupboard. It seemed so strange, it was just calling my name.

Out of instinct, carefully watching for people around, I tip-toed over and twisted the doorknob. As I opened the cupboard door it flung open, inside was the most unusual beast you could imagine. Fear. It swallowed me up and I died. My spirit lifted, and three years later, here I am, sitting in my old bedroom, a spirit.

Sneak Thief! By Temi

Creaking open the old, wooden door, sniffing to get a clue, as what to expect for dinner. I sneaked into the dining room, picked up a plate and helped myself from the pot sitting on the hotplate. I gulped down the brown, gooey mess of food then carefully left the room, going back the way I came, trying not to be seen.   I quietly got back into bed.
Brown! I heard my name being shouted, I wondered, why? Suddenly the housemaster appeared, hauled me downstairs, asked the reason I was in the dining room, when I should have been asleep.

He made me open the cupboard door, I spotted the camera. Caught red- handed!  


Last night I had a sleepover with my 3 best friends. They came round at 6:00pm, to unpack for the exciting night ahead! We got ready for bed, Jessica walked slowly down the stairs because the lights were out. She wanted to turn them on … so she opened the cupboard door… and Jessica heard a noise from inside the door.  Next she zoomed up the stairs, and locked the bedroom door. She didn't want to tell us what was wrong. I tried and tried to phone my mum but it wouldn't let me! What was I to do?

THE POTION OF LIFE by Mason and Maison

One stormy night there was a little boy in the kingdom.  Walking to the castle he heard a spooky sound, “WHOOSH!”
“Anybody there?” He asked in a panic.                                                                         
He sprinted, as quick as a flash, to the ginormous castle “King King!” The castle gates opened and the knights ran out, the boy asked “Can I see the King?” The knights took the boy to the King, the king shouted,
“What boy?”
“There’s a Vampire in the kingdom!”
“Help! One of the knights are gone, shouted a knight, “Let’s get inside”
The king requested that I open a cupboard door, but when I opened the cupboard door there was a potion.

“Drink this.” The king said that it will protect us from them...

The Possession by Millie S

One blustery night a girl with the name of Emily-Rose got up, her tummy rumbling. Unfortunately her poor parents hadn’t fed her in days. She was starving and thought it’d be ok if she just crept silently downstairs for a snack, she had to make sure that her parents didn’t catch her. But when she opened the cupboard door…
Ambling down the stairs, Emily’s parents spotted her! She was going to be in so much trouble…an evil flash filled the room… when Emily turned around she wasn’t Emily anymore. She was possessed!
“Her soul and body were easy to take over. She is weak and she is MINE!” growled Emily.
Suddenly she disappeared… only now seen at brutal murder scenes!

Friday 25 April 2014

Eva and Mary

Easter Day
“Finally Easter`s Here, That Means Easter Egg Hunt!” yelled Emily
Sprinting down the stairs step by step, she stuffed her face with toast. She searched under her bed, and in her wardrobe she looked high and low. Out of the corner of her eyes she spotted her art box, so she slowly walked to her art box and peaked inside “HORRAY” she cried      “ I FOUND ONE.” After 20 minutes of searching  she saw gold foil under the chair she found another one. An hour went by then she finally gave up. Out of know where her dog approached her with a bell in his mouth. She knew her dog ate her easter eggs. 

James and Emad

One summer day, I gave a delicious Easter egg to my friend James. He was exited.
And went back to his house to keep it safe. The next day when I went to James’s house he shouted, “Were is my Easter egg! “Maybe my Yorkshire terrier could have ate it! We both went to find the Easter egg, James went to look in his room while I was looking in the garden.

I was tired so I said to James “I’m leaving to go back home. But I couldn’t find my Easter egg. Don’t worry I’ll get you an even better Easter egg.      


Happy Easter! My name is Nettle Hogwarts and I’d like to tell you a story. It all starts with my clever mum.  My mum, whilst making breakfast on Easter morning, gave me a simple challenge, a challenge I thought would be eeeeeeezy! How wrong was I! She told me to look after a shiny egg. Yep, an egg. She also said that I had to watch it properly! So I did. I decorated it with a pink fluffy ballerina tutu. I drew a face of a doggie because it was my favourite pet, and gave it a home. The next day it was gone! I searched everywhere but I couldn’t find the egg. Suddenly I heard a tweet! Was the egg hatched? Or was it just me? As I followed the tweet I saw something yellow! It was a baby hen! I called mum and dad and they adored it! Well I had to admit it was kinda cute. Well that’s my story! Good bye and the end!

Heather and Tanya

Hi, I’m Meg the marvellous magpie, have you ever looked at something shimmering and think ‘OMG I want it so badly!’ Well that’s happening to me, there’s this egg on the inside of the window sill and the people that live there have gone on holiday (yes!) I have a plan. Gliding gracefully through the letter box I use my beak senses to track down my precious and make it be MINE!
I soar straight for the window sill however it isn’t there! I’m searching up, down, left, right and centre but I can’t find the egg …
Finally I give up. What a shame!                               

Mason, Maison and Joseph

One stormy night in GTA, Franklin went out for an egg hunt  with Michael and Trevor. They hopped cautiously in the bright pink Bugatti Vayron, to find the alien Easter Egg, it was somewhere in the forest. They saw the sign saying ‘Dangourous Place!’ They strolled into the deep, dark forest and all they could see was darkness. Consequently they could not find the egg because it was pitch black. They had a choice, die or survive by finding the egg. Suddenly, a spark of light appeared 50 metres away. The egg was right infront of them in the bushes, but as they approached…

Millie S and Georgina

Easter Day
The Easter Bunny was getting ready to hide his eggs for it was EASTER! Everybody was looking forward to lots of chocolate, but that’s not what they got…

Mayor Hoppsalot was announcing the start of the Easter egg hunt and once it started a little human-bunny called Bob tried but he couldn’t find an egg! When he finally did, the Easter bunny, grinning from ear to ear, crept up on him and sliced his head off with a silver spoon. Afterwards he squeaked “You’d better leave my precious scrumptious eggs alone…” and then he disappeared, only returning to collect more heads to turn into eggs! 

Kelly and Jessica

One Spring morning, I was woken up by my nasty sister called
Louise. I went down the slippery, spiral staircase to see what she wanted, and then at that very moment I heard we were going on an Easter Hunt. My mum roared like a lion.

“Why are you still in your night gown?” I rushed to get changed and dragged my mum out of the door. We got in the blood red car and skidded up the road. We finally got there after a half hour drive. My mum and I raced off but I couldn’t find the eggs! Devastatingly there were none left for us!

Tina and Millie W

Missing Easter egg
Reward offered if found
On Easter Sunday the Easter bunny left my wonderful daughter Daisy a marvellous, colourful egg, however somebody has stolen it!
If you find it please contact me (Daisy’s Dad) at: 077 832 643 92 or 555 832 477 10
She quotes:
“I searched and searched but I could not find my egg!”
The egg in question is purple and green with pink daisies on it.
The thief was riding a yellow Bob the builder tricycle and was wearing an Elmo jumper.

A reward of £8 will be given to the person who finds poor Daisy’s egg before it’s too late!

Jamie and Emmanuel

The big hunt
One Easter morning I was extremely excited because a few weeks ago I had hidden a giant Easter egg for my little brother. I had hidden it in a really good place where I knew where he wasn’t allowed to go.
I rushed down to the basement, I got a ladder and climbed up to the top shelf and looked but I couldn’t find the egg! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO? I searched everywhere but it was nowhere to be seen.

I went in to my living room and there was my little brother stuffing his face with the chocolate egg…