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Friday 28 February 2014

MONSTER MAYHEM! by Mason and Joseph

One stormy day my friend and I went caving at Chislehurst caves. We were only 10, but there was a tour guide with us. SUDDENLY, we heard a rumbling noise underneath us! When we turned around are tour guide was gone! The only thing that was left was his bones. Out of knowere came weird looking creatures pushing through the thick solid earth trying to take over the universe!! And there’s no way to stop it.  So the weird huge creature made a colossal hole right through the middle of Chislehurst but what was it going to do next...#!                          

THE WORLD’S END by Maison and Emmanuel

One stormy night there was a kid that wished for his teddy bear to come alive.  John heard a noise and he said “teddy”  BANG THE TEDDY BEAR WAS PUSHING THOUGH THE EARTH. So John saw teddy with another teddy called Wasd was very weird and they went out to dinner and Wasd ditched him and ran to the centre of the earth. Teddy was sad L  and he ran to a corner of the apartments, he wished he could have another girl that he can really trust unlike Wasd, unfortunlutly he didn’t find one the end


Oscar the mole who lived in a hole near a grassy river bank , who happily lived with his family. One day Oscar the mole went for a stroll to the muddy puddle to find some grubs. On the way to the woods Oscar found an a abandoned  mole in a tree trunk so he took him home.  He was very scruffy and looked like he needed a good meal. After a very good meal and a wash and a brush up they decided to go out and while they were poking through the earth they found some really lovely juicy grubs to eat.

One Summer by Lana, Antoine and Tareeq

One scorching summer afternoon Jason decided to look for gold with his new metal detector that he got for his birthday he was hoping so bad that he would find some gold and become RICH. Then he could buy a limo and he would even have enough for his own mansion. After two hours of searching for gold his mum called him in for dinner, he had pizza and chips tonight. Next after dinner he snuck out at night while everyone was sleeping. And started pushing through the earth with a metal shovel. Suddenly he was super RICH      

Pushing through earth by Cydni and Kerry

One thunderous night a girl called Kelly was being evacuated from her home in London.   Kelly was scared because the earth was disintegrating and everything was blowing down, there was a rocket  that was going into outer space and was going to land on Saturn. She was crying because it was her birthday and it was destroyed and that made her very upset.
Sadly she said “  I want to go home “ .
You can’t go home because there is no home any more her mum said to here”


Persephone by Tina and Heather

 Persephone, the Greek goddess of spring, was climbing hard, through dark mazes and treacherous caves in which hides the monsters beyond your worst nightmares. Persephone in autumn and winter was forced to stay with her husband Pluto in the underworld. Now spring has come and Persephone was finally allowed to return to earth however, she has a hard time escaping hell. Pushing through earth she fights hard against everything stopping her from reaching her goal to eventually be welcomed to earth see the budding flowers 

Pushing through the Earth by Josh

William was on foot, walking through the misty graveyard, he was enjoying his evening stroll. Suddenly some strange noises started whistling around him, it sounded like eerie moans calling for him. Moaning “William, William, William,” he sprinted away as fast as his legs could take him but the strange voices kept repeating in his head. Then he heard a low rumbling sound coming from beneath his bare feet. Then suddenly the ground began to crack. Something was pushing through the earth.......... Out of the ground was rising a blood stained hand, grasping in the air menacingly.  

Pushing through the grimy earth by Eva and Georgine

Pushing through the grimy earth, a fluffy little mole popped his head out.
 “Where is every-body?” He enquired.
“Why dear they’re at home asleep”answerd Mum.

Departing back into the earth he scouted around looking for slimy, juicy worms. Suddenly a gang of mole bullies came and pushed him into a rock, they took off with his scrumptious food. Staggering  back home, he told his mum. Sally his mum went to the bullies house, and beat them . The fluffy mole was now confident he left his home and went to be a cop. In the dirt

Space Invaders by Millie S

One joyful day a trio of friends went for a walk down to the beach. They were named Ted, Star and Aimee and they were always cheerful until...
In the morning everybody woke up and started a day with a bowl of weeto’s, ready to have some fun. As usual, they all met up on the beach. Ted got there first. But what he didn’t know was that the beach was closed due to a paralyzed alien invader.
“What are you?” he asked while walking up to the invader
Slowly, the alien rose up, and sucked out his brains...
Everybody cried when the grave digger was pushing through the earth getting ready to bury Ted...

Us and Earth by Tanya and Jamie

Hi, Me and my friend Jay are big Earth geeks all we care about is Earth. On the news it said that on 23 February 2034 the Earth is going to spilt in half because of an alien trying to eat its way eat from the middle of the Earth.
Everyone has to fly up to space to be safe.Every second off the day people can feel the alien pushing through the Earth. Everyone is worried  about where we are going to live after Earth is destroyed by the alien.will we ever save the world  

The Mole machine! by Mayeda

One day a little boy went out in the garden. He shut the kitchen door with his newly made key. He placed it near a tree when suddenly the key disappeared! Well not really, it went down a hole, a mole hole. Now the little boy was very clever and thought of an idea straight away, but for this situation he couldn’t even think. So he sat next to the tree  and finally thought  of something.dig like a mole. So he dug. Pushing through the earth he found it! It was kind of dirty so he went home and cleand it

Earthquake by James S

One spooky night in Tokyo, Japan a humongous earthquake shook the earth while a tsunami destroyed the biggest company in Tokyo! The earthquake had made a colossal crack in the mighty earth that lead down to the earth’s core. It forced a deadly toxin that shot through the earth’s crust that wiped out 5% of the earth’s population!
The devastation was horrible children came out side coffin up blood and having elegist to the toxins.           

I DUG A SKELETON by Mary, Kelly and Jessica

One terrifying evening, a little 4 year old girl called Emma, she was with her baby sitter Ann.  Took her to the biggest park there is but for some reason they were the only ones. Emma got her shovel from her back pack and started digging the mud. Suddenly something started pushing through the earth then a skeleton body popped out, and said in a shaky voice “take me home and I will look after you better than Ann your mean baby sitter”.

 The little girl replied “ok you will be my best friend forever and ever” it turns out the skeleton was evil........


One spooky evening in BLACK HEATH there was some moaning, deep waily moaning. All of a sudden a hand was pushing through the earth. Subsequently a zombie appeared READY TO RANSACK THE EARTH.

THE NEXT DAY A FAMILY CAME TO PICNIC THERE, WHEN A SWARM OF ZOMBIES WITH THE PLAUGE KIDNAPPED THEM. They nearly bit them but instead they buried them alive. There was nothing anyone could do... doctors came to try and fix the problem when all of a sudden a doctor came and found out that tese were actually fake zombies and so they were arrested.

Friday 14 February 2014



One glorious summer morning a transmission radio wave hit NASA, just before they launched a rocket to the planet mars; it was no ordinary radio wave they have ever seen! They tried to work it out but it was no use they couldn’t do it but when a scientist came out side for a cigar when he saw a weird air craft that hovered like a flying sawyer, I haven’t seen anything like this in my whole interlaced life! It landed and these weird prawns come out I wondered if we could make piece when will we find out?   


The big meeting

Hello and welcome to the 5 o’clock news with me Helen. Today we will go live to the parliament house where there is a big meeting over the queen’s disappearance. Over to you Jafna.

Hello, good afternoon I’m Jafna and i bring you a live report from London. Today MEETINGS WERE HELD ACROSS THE COUNTRY TO FIND AN ANSWER to the mysterious missingness of the queen.We’re now going in the parliament house to ask a few questions “Mr. Cameron where do you think the queen is?”

“Well I’m not sure I mean she was quite grumpy after the fruit shoot campaign but...”

“Hello England sorry my vacation over ran!”

Looks like the queen is safe!  Another safe report from London. I’m JAFNA  AND THAT’S the news.goodbye.



by Millie w

 If only I ruled the world


I would make sure every girl had a rope to skip,

And every boy had a ball to kick,

Art instead of history,

P.E. instead of maths,

Music instead of English,

Assemblies would never have existed,     


Children all over the world attended meetings to make this true.

Most were held in England,

 1or 2 in France,

3 or 4 in Germany,

But I wouldn’t give it a second glance,

Sadly it never happened due to government and the laws, P.T.A.  and parents also found are plans : (       


emad and mason

It all started with the Japanese and US war and the Japanese were firing everything at US! What should do?

We tried everything! I know let’s have a meeting about a humongous nuke we had meeting all other the world to find an answer. The answer was yes so we started to build a massive nuke to fire at the japes. Come on lads lets go and fire that awesome nuke at the horrible japes. Yes! We fired the nuke at the japes.  As we fired the nuke the japes were panicking all they could see was...


Tanya and Jamie


Once there were 12 children who were prime ministers. They wanted to have a meeting about having phones in class rooms but using them for the right stuff. So they went to the white house for a meeting about it.

The children wanted to make a point about children having phones in class the meetings were held across the country to find an answer the meeting on for two whole days they even got to stay in a hotel for free.

 Soon after they made a diction. to make it possible for children to use phones in the class room.        


Friday 14th February


Dear diary,

Today we had arguments about teams in football and netball (great) we had that many disputes that we had to see the head teacher (that’s the last thing I need).she droned and droned for hours on end for along as possible we didn’t have any maths or anything else. The next day we decided to have our own meeting it was T’s idea he said that meetings were held all over the country to find the answer to these sorts of problems. We all agreed we didn’t want miss in our ear. Soon after we all agreed on suitable teams and few arguments followed that day.


eva and mayeda


Meetings were held across the country to find an answer. We are the people from BBC news, and we are here to find the answer of a man’s name, Doctor...Who. Why is he a time traveller? Where does he come from, and what is his name?  There have been arguments to this unsolved person. Also there have been comments about this bizarre doc, popping up here and there. Will this story stay as a mystery, or will it be solved?


For further information visit /www.bbcnews/doc/ or tell: 08009702727

Have a fabulous afternoon and see you next week

antoine and josh

One happy American morning the president had a very important weather meeting to discuss. It was a top secret meeting so nobody could know. Of Corse all the other all the other governments and presidents would be there. After they had their meeting the results were all around the world it would be raining cats and dogs literally. The ones that meow and woof.  Meetings were held across the country to find an answer an about this unexplainable series of unfortunately falling happenings it was out of this entire world what could be happening is it the aliens or the end of the world think hard     




In Glasgow, Lancanshire there was a very lot of snow and it has blocked the roads, schools have been closed. Teachers are complaning that school should be open but children are saying, “School should close down for a week!”

Meetings were held across the country to find an answer on how to get rid of the snow. The primeminister, David Camron, has paid for diggers to remove the snow so children can get an education.

The Evil Penguins by Millie.s

The Evil Penguins

Meetings were held across the country to find an answer to what happened to poor Margo Odon last Tuesday. She was reported missing and now there is a humongous crowd of Evil Penguins searching for her because they need a queen. Penguin life is weird.

The Evil Penguins are now heading downtown with the unfortunate girl in the menacing clutches of their flippers. We have let out a crazed Penguin Killer to solve our Evil Penguin problems but... Oh dear. He seems to have killed Margo Odon! Well... now the Evil Penguins have killed the Penguin killer... we’re doomed.

10 Hours later

The Evil Penguins took over the world.

Tareeq foot ball meeting

One day, in Bangkok there was a little 7yr old boy, named Charlie. Charlie was a polite, kind boy who loved a game at football. He would skill up the whole field of opponents and score from the 6 yard box!!

DING DONG!! Will was at the door Charlie’s best friend. Will asked Charlie if he wanted to play football with him. Charlie exclaimed with happiness and said YES.

  Charlie and will got together and discussed if they should have a meeting to their friends around the world, to have a huge football match. Therefore meetings were held across the country to find an answer.

What happens next...?

by Joseph Maison Emmanuel

Did the ball cross the line?

England v Germany world cup 2010, Frank Lampard shot and Neuer could not stop it. Did it cross the line? If we had goal line technology we would be able to find out. The Germans were appealing it wasn’t a goal however the English said it was. If you Google images you will see the ball clearly crossed the line by a couple of feet. Do you think Fifa should have made a rematch between England and Germany to make it fair? So they had a meeting to find an answer. Although the match was not replayed, goal line technology is now in place.


Friday 7 February 2014

Deep Blue Sea by Antoine and Tareeq

One day there was a boy, who loved sharks and his name was Tareeq. It was Tareeq’s 11th birthday and his mum told him that he could go to the aquarium, with 2 friends and they were Josh and Antoine. There were Tareeq’s best friends and they came to his house. They put their coat and shoes on and took off in mum’s car. Mums car was a nice car it had leather seats and brown carpet.

But when they got there all they could see was water and Josh and Antoine disappeared and there was a huge tank full of blood.

THE FLASH FLOOD by Joseph and Emannuel

One rainy day in London City, everyone was drenched through, because the rain was hammering down. The River Thames barrier was shut due to the treat that Britain was going to flood! Everyone was rushing to their houses, however some were destroyed by the horrendous storm! Then more rain came, it wasn’t spitting it down, it was pouring down! Search and rescue teams were out searching for people who were stuck in the windy streets of London. Next came the colossal wave; it destroyed London and the houses of Londeners the rescue team were trying to save ... and all they could see is water... 

Death Maze by Maison and Harry

One scary day in Bangkok city there was a boy called bobby dear and he was happy until he saw a loser called monster. also he ATE cars such as minis .he ATE so many cars he went KABOOMMMMMMM! AND BOBBY WENT FLYING TO TEA BAG ISLAND, WhERE ALL HE CALLED SEE IS WATER. SO BOBBY JUNIORTHE 2ND MET THE KING OF THE LAND.

The Flood by Eva

Pouring down with rain I knew that there would be no school tomorrow. I left that aside and slumbered to sleep.
 Waking up I could make out that there was no road but all I could see was water glittering in the sunlight. I rushed out, suddenly my foot went solid cold; I had stepped in the water.
“Mum, mum we have had a flood!” I screamed.
“Yes I know dear it was on the weather forecast,” replied mum.
My heart cooled down since I knew my mum was safe, I put on my swimming gear and began swimming.

THE SEA by Josh

One scorching summer morning, a little five year old boy called Bill, he lived by the sea. On that very day he went to the seaside with his Mum plus Dad. Bill did here flood warnings near where he lived, but that didn’t make him unhappy.

An hour later they went out of the door,  but all we could was water .It was a terrible a terrible sight, down came streaming waves of water on all the roads. Bills parents tugged him into their house before Bill goes with the sea. There whole town has been destroyed into piles of rock, marble, brick and windows.    

Somerset by Jamie and Tanya

Hi I’m Tanya and I’m Jay and we’re going to discover people’s houses in Somerset. Loads of people in Somerset had floods in their houses.

At the moment we are talking to Jade, her house is really drenched. She cried,

“My dad was downstairs watching TV when all of a sudden a huge wave hit the glass and broke it. He tried to get upstairs but it was too strong and it swiped him right to the ground!”

The lady told us that her baby got lost in the water,

“I tried to look for her! All I could see was water ...” 

Namira! by Mayeda

One day, in a land filled of wonder, there lived a pretty girl. Her name was Namira. She lived in a giant mansion. The owner of the house was called Betty. Namira was very poor, but inside she was a very wealthy person. Also she was very good at singing. Every time when she was washing up the dishes or scrubbing the floor, she would sing till her heart’s content. That made Betty jealous as she had a very rat like voice. Betty would always keep her busy but somehow she would always sing and stay happy. Betty couldn’t resist but to tell her daddy. Betty’s dad was a filthy rich person he thought everything was his.
 ”daddy how do you make a servant sad and grumpy?”
“Well servants are always  sad and grumpy”
“Not my one”
“Well kick her out then”

So the cruel Betty. Kicked her out. That made namira very sad. She sat near the fountain when suddenly she sore something  but all she could see was water

The underwater city by Millie S

Henrietta Inractic lived with her parents unhappily until that horrible day...
After the great yodelling fair of 1956 Henrietta set off back to her home in Sertion but one thing she didn’t know would ruin her life forever.  Her mother had sneaked out of the house with her daughter’s money and when Henrietta walked in mum locked all the doors.
“Hey! Let me out!” shouted Henrietta.
Her mum sniggered while dashing away to the nearest shoe shop. On her way a man was bellowing “IT’S THE END OF OUR WOOORLD!!!”
Nobody believed him.

Back with Henrietta water started flooding everything. All she could see was water...

Water water! by Georgina

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO today is my birthday and I am going on holiday to the Rainforest in your face Candace she is the most popular girl in the class she thinks she is the bomb diggedy. By the way my name is Victoria Olay! And my mum’s name is Vicky and my dad’s name is Benjamin people at school call me Queen Victoria!!! And they call Candace creepy Candace well that’s what me and my friends call her. It is time to go mum said when we go over the sea all we can see is water we finely on the aeroplane when... 

Trafalgar by Heather

Thursday 12 November 1805                  

               Dear Diary,
We’re lost! It’s the middle of the Napoleonic war and my heads full to bursting with the dreadful noises of the battle. Loud bangs of our weaponry; the howling wind in our sails and the blood curdling screams of ended lives is sure to haunt my every living moment. Death waits round every corner; my heart beats faster than a pack of hungry wolves after fresh meat. I wish all this would end. I wish I could see my family. Earlier a storm suddenly hit us, quickly sweeping us away from battle. Safe, in our ship, we think. But all we could see was water...      


Heno by Tina

Dear Diary,
I can’t believe it! I’m lying on the rocky cold floor of the great and mighty Heno, god of thunder’s cave. He must have caught me when I was falling off of the immense water.
I thought I was going to drown but he saved me. What a hero!
When I came to the top of the fall all I could see was water and tremendous amounts of it.   He is the one I wish to marry
After all, he did save my life.
His little sons are studying me carefully, I think they’re seeing if I’m worthy of their father. Of course I am.

The jungle beats by Mary

A jungle is noise, like the beat of the drums, it’s peaceful like the sound of a flute .it’s crazy like the scream of a child. It rains a lot all you see is water. Its wild like a drop of a symbol. With all the wondrous creatures it’s like a key of a piano. Its roomy like the sound of an eco eco eco, its cosy like a huge from a bear. Its interesting like a drop of a pin. Its natures like the  blow of a trumpet.Its a jungle how fun can it be!  

But ALL we COULD SEE was WATER! by Kelly,Kerry and Cydni

One freezing bitterly cold day I was walking slowly through the park when I saw Mr. Haylock sitting on a bench with his fish. When the tropical fish saw a pond they jumped in the water and dragged Mr Haylock in! SPLASSSSSSSHHHHHHH! Luckily his wife sprinted to rescue him. Before she knew it, however, the street started to flood. All I could hear was Mr.Haylock screaming,
“Help!”His fish were laughing with bubbles! I started to run and get everyone to tell them the news however he was already in the newspaper on the front cover.
I woke. It was a dream.

Whirlpool by James

One grotty day at the harbour an unlucky fortune teller decided to take to the open waters. If he could then he would be a sea captain and sale around the glorious world.

When he did, he got sucked into a whirl pool it was the weirdest whirl pool in the world. When he woke up he was laying next a giant piece of glorious gold! After he tried to get the gold, he saw a elephant but it wasn’t a normal elephant it was the size of a lizard.