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Friday 29 November 2013

The Killer Puppet by Jafna

When you sleep alone at night the killer puppet steals your dreams and hopes, then returns it with a nightmare.

One damp and freaky night a group of people (well only 4) went deep into the woods were they heard the malicious, mass-murderer The Killer Puppet lives. Suddenly a blood startling noise frightened them “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!”Screamed Kristie as loud as ever “sshh,” whispered Ron, “it might hear us.” “What might??!” trembled Sarah un - stopabley.


Meanwhile in the woods The Killer Puppet was searching for victims for a mid night feast ...


A little while later you could hear the  most paralysing scream.

Till this day no one ever found them again. As for the Killer Puppet he was never seen either...

Slender by Millie W

Move! Move! Get out of here,hes comeing.”I will come you will not see me,you will die”


“Im sorry, no-one is to enter the woods there is a cerial killer in there and he isn’t afraid.”

“are you shure these people are not comiting sucide?”

“Look riping youre own guts out is vertuly impossible.”

Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! “everyone stand back...”


 “oh my god,a dead body”

“can it be”   

“Close youre eyes kids”

“Mummy hes asleep isn’t he? Mummy”

Dark Shadow by James

One spooky the military were making a man made weapon of mased distructon and one day it broke lose and made evry and anything turn into a zombie and there was only one that could free man kind and he battled until he had unfortunately died from a plane out of the black sky. But a hour later he survived and cept fighting.     

The Dead Arise by Joseph and Emmanuel

As the two people outside the house were glaring into the clean sparkling window. My friend Mickey and I inside the house are watching the two outside below us.  When they approached the front door so we quietly creped out the back door and made a run for it! As we ran through all the back gardens and jumped over the fences, we sore them chasing after us a couple of gardens away. And then I heard and saw blue lights chasing after me so I sprinted through the deep dark alley, and all of a sudden . . .                            

The Evils Unite by Tanya and Mary

One misty night a man who i once met decades ago came to my door step and he knew we were watching him so we made a plane to get revenge for the way he had treated us ...later that evening  it was 1:19 one good minute until are exquisite plan would work





Excellent just one little drop of venomous blood and he will be our FOREVER. HE WILL OBAY OUR EVRY WORD AND REGRET HE EVER MESET WHITH WITH US! (EVIL LAUGHTH)

The Dead Returns! By Mayeda and Georgina

Run what I said run for your life! If you want to live run right now! They can see us now ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Yrghhhhhhhhh. RUN there coming they will bite us and then we will turn in to zombies too! Do you want that to happen? Do you? They’re getting closer get in the car quick!!! Step on it papa ok lets go brom bromm. When we get out of the car we will swim in the lake near the town square!! Then when we get out of the lake we can get to the other side and hide in the forest and hide in the tree... but the boys don’t now that  they have a brilliant type of sent...

Hog Hedge the Hedge hog by Tina

As the wind roared wildly, Charlie was darting deeper into the woods until the trees became tall and dense. This is when he had to stop; it was impossible to see anything more than a meter away. Lying on the floor trying to catch his breath, he spotted a tiny creature scuttling towards him. Finally catching his breath, he spoke calmly.

“Well aren’t you a cutie pie, little man?”
The hedge hog looked intently at him. Charlie, who had a soft spot for animals, scooped up the creature in his hands.  A shocking flash of red shot out of the hedgie’s eye and Charlie lay dead upon the floor.

The Snatcher by Heather

Out of the dark emerged a shadowed figure cackling. Then a beam of light shines across his face revealing a man with blood red eyes and raven hair.

“Why are you here you filth!” Dave demanded his voice filled with hatred.

 “I’m here to eliminate you from the face of the earth,” maliciously laughs the man.   

“You’re wrong” yelled Amelia “we’ve stopped you once we’ll stop you again!”

Unexpectedly, a creature unknown to human kind, glided out of the shadows and into view.

Course grey hair smothered his hovering body extensive thin hair wrapped around them; they couldn’t break free . . .

Slender Slug by Cydni

Slender slug is a cross between slender man and a slug, it has 17 devil tails and it lives deep into the woods by a house. One scary, terrifying night I was playing the Xbox with my friend Tina. I heard a weird noise coming from outside, I jumped up and Tina questioned what was wrong as I looked out of the window I saw a slender slug staring at me with grief across his face. From being hurt from a graveyard because obviously he is dead he can`t be alive but what if he is muttered Tina...

Jeff Rises by Millie S

In the year of 1965, a child murdering clown was put in a mental home. While in there he ripped his heart out and died. Unfortunately, today he came back...

Two police decided to check out a mansion to see if there were any squatters

“Wait... I know this place... Oh No...Run!” squealed Rob, quivering.

“I never run, Rob! Look... there’s someone at the window! I’m going in to check it out, with or without you.” Victoria shouted bravely.

Rob, not wanting Victoria to get hurt, followed her in.

“MuaHahaHaha...” a creepy voice chuckled as the door slammed behind them.

“What was that?..”

To Be Continued...

Black Shadow by Mason

One pitch black night I was strolling through the deep dark wood. I could hear someone saying” come and get it” .I was getting scared. All my life people called me a wimp but today I’m not a wimp.  I could see a black shadow, I started to panic I called the police, but it was no use there was no phone service. At the end of the deep dark wood there was a rotten, derelict, old house. So I had to check it out. The door creaked as I gently pushed it open ,the wooden floor scraped  I STARTED TO PANIC...

Evil Kelly by Kerry

Hurry up! lets go, they will find us. We have got to go before we get caught. Lets run as fast as the wind to the biggest swamp in Neverland and on the way we might meet Peter Pan but we need to be as quiet as a mouse. Suddenly, I saw evil Kelly the worst supervillan in Neverland . I never thought I will bump into again. I remember when we met in high-school and I dropped my class and then you helped me by cleaning it up then we never saw eacthother  again till that day but now look at us we are both here crying like big babys.I MISS YOU FRIEND.

Get me out of here! By Maison

Hurry up we need to get out of here,


I sprint to the woods as the creature runs after me I scream in horror then a person runs out in front of me as he said stop I’m on your team follow me so i run to a cottage and hide  in there for a night then all of a sudden


I ran and ran in till I see my home I see the light of the street, bang behind me it gulps everything in its way then I realised wait I have got super powers now its my turn...

The Slayer by Eva

“Let’s go now”

They sprinted to their car that was drenched in dirt, meanwhile the unknown figure appeared, the moonlight glittering on his face.

“The rats are falling into my trap” He crackled

  (Back to the car)

Rattling with fear their engine had run out.

“Get out now!”he shrieked

Tumbling over twigs and stones they finally made it out into the open. A thing floated to the ground

“You will be slayed by the Slayer “he whispered

as the wind made his voice more quiet.Coming out of nowhere was a slash then they were both dead.
“Good job,” the mystery man whispered.