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Friday 27 September 2013

New Years Eve by Tina

On the night of New Years Eve, in the deadness of the night, the ghastly dreaded monster seeks a friend to haunt for life.

It searches in the forest, it searches in the wood, it searches in the places that you never thought it could.

When you’re tucked up in your bed

 Fast asleep at night it drags itself into your

Dreams and messes with your head.

You’re dreaming of a monster, you’re dreaming of the night, you dream that you’re dying fast and getting closer to the light.

Finally you wake up and you’re living with the dead.

Man Eating Monster by Heather

We have been informed of a man eating monster in South Manhattan, working its way towards Europe. We have recently discovered that our wicked, blood-thirsty monster is capable of breathing in water therefore there is nothing stopping him from reaching with his vice grip the rest of humanity.

Causing 57 gruesome, grisly killings and 763 injured and thousands of destroyed homes and buildings this monster is the ultimate master of destruction. Will he leave our race in ruins? Will that thing drive humanity to its grave? Or will someone rise up against. I doubt it bye ,bye report by heather

The new arrival by Cydni

The latest news... on Friday, 27th March everyone was excited about the new arrival to Poverest park. The people looked in anticipation, wondering what was going to appear. There was much discussion about their ideas. At 11 o`clock the mayor`s car drove through the park and the crowd cheered and clapped. The mayor, Thomas Jafrato, walked up to the statue that was covered by a plain white sheet. What was underneath? Slowly the sheet fell to the floor. People could be seen with their mouths open as legs appeared being sucked in to a giant head! Suddenly the mayor was seen in the giant head.

Evil Skies by Millie W

Connor called Lucia, Grace barked! Connor ran over...He stopped; laid down on the soft cotton wool like grass then said, “How about this sky?”  

“It’s beautiful,”

 Lucia and I simultaneously said.


It was about 4:00 so we decided to we would go for a walk in the woods, just me Lucia, Connor and little Grace. Yap, yap, yap, went little Grace chasing her little tail, whilst I tried to put her lead on her. 

We started walking up as we approached the entrance Grace stopped and coward; I tugged on her lead and forced her to walk. Then we saw an evil looking statue its mouth moved then the sky turned black....    

Leg object by Georgina

Hi I am Georgina and I am the person who found the mysterious leg object. I was walking slowly through the dark woods by myself when I saw a massive monster running in and out the woods. I was stuck to the spot I could not move, I couldn’t stop looking at it.

It had two sets of teeth one set was on the bottom and the other set was on the top. The top set was sharper.

It looked like it was upside down, its veins were red  like blood. Its face looked evil, very evil, it saw me and.....           

The Zapping Statue by Mayeda and Eva

It all started when a young girl called Sofia was running away from kidnaper at high speed. She tiptoed behind a creepy evil statue she whispered save me save me!” The hideous statue obeyed Sofia. Suddenly the the statue used his evil eyes to turn the kidnapper to stone! Sofia was saved! But unfortunately she fainted, the statue flipped over so his legs surrounded the young girl to protect her! Early the following misty morning, she woke up with a fright because of the muscular legs.

bbc news by Tanya

Hello! And welcome to BBC News with Alice Wiggle, on to you Tanya. Hello, I’m reporter Tanya and I’m letting you know about an extremely serious matter in France. A very strange looking thing has just been discovered in Paris, France. I’ve seen a strange looking object with long legs and a face, right next to the Eiffel Tower. The cameraman and I have been spying on this thing, since we’ve seen it. And at night we were hiding in a gloomy green bush. At exactly 12:00 the mystery thing turned upside-down and it ate two people and...... AHHHHHHHHH        MUNCH MUNCH!


Cabin in the woods by James

               Cabin in the woods


One day a family went to their cabin. The next day they found a creepy closet Suddenly, I saw a leg monster, it was the most hairiest thing that I have ever seen. It jumped out like a rocket travelling up to Ka-pax  .


Torture by Millie S

As I crept through the woods, I saw a figure that would haunt my mind forever...

It all started as I, Belladonna Zackari, started to hate my life. At my first day at school everyone laughed and pointed at me because I was different to them. When I was alone I would cry, hoping that when I die I would get a better life than this.

That was the faithful night I decided to run away. I tied up all my sheets, stuck them out the window and slid down.”I’m free!” I thought as I sprinted through the paths, making my way to the forest.

I pushed through the razor sharp brambles to find a clearing with a monster covered with blood and human legs. “Oh my god...” I thought as it stared at me with its blood thirsty eyes. The last thing I did was scream for help, but nobody came.

The Deadly Pot by Kelly and Kerry

One bright sunny Day I was in Poverest Park. When I suddenly saw a plant pot with spooky legs wiggling around, it was called leg Eater. IT was last seen at 3pm.

So please be warned keep out of site do not be caught it will break you into bits. If you have food it will eat you and your children!  Make shore your children do not go out on there own over wise they might get eaten by the Leg Eater. I feel sorry for if it is chasing you now while you are reading this...

Leg of Doom by Mary

There once was a day when everything was calm and the world was at peace. Until something crashed and made a big boom. What crashed was a bowl full of legs the legs were bloody and stunk reel bad it had writing on the back which said if you press the big red button the world would be at war the evil spirits will escape and they will destroy you all. They looked around for the big red button and said shame on you evil pot. They found the big red button they pushed and pushed and pushed and until that day they will never see the light.

Halloween Night by Maison, Mason and Joseph

One Halloween night a young boy called Fred was out trick or treating and he was lost in the deadly dark woods. All of a sudden he heard a weird sound (whoop!)

He thought it was a Bigfoot, but out of nowhere it appeared... it was an immense man eating creature! That could run 1000 mph .then he saw a red head and then again (whoop!) then he ran for his life, 1 hour later his back at his house, then outside the colossal creature appeared MUNCH! A bit of the house was gone now it’s my turn ...

The Dangerous Legs by Jessica

Dear readers we inform you that there is a deadly man eater on the loose! Watch out when walking round, this enormous object will gobble you up and won’t take its time. This freaky monster was last seen at Poverest Primary, people living round the area have described this monster as terrifying, with disturbing eyes that follow you till you’re dead. So please take this as a warning. Stay indoors. Keep your children inside. Do not let them out. PLEASE SPREED THE NEWS IT ERGENT THAT EVERYONE KNOW! TAKE THIS AS A WARNING!

It could be you!

Amazing Art by Harry

Today the most amazing art work has arrived by the most famous Colin Barry. He is one of the best architects in the world. He arrived yesterday, starting to make his most and new amazing leg masterpiece. He started it in the early hours of the morning, as I was eating my breakfast.  So then I went and watched some telly and when I got up to have a look to see how far he’s got, he had finished and it looked like a leg monster but when I was looking I just remembered he was gone, so I just went back and watched telly and then just got dressed and went out ... to be continued...

Friday 20 September 2013


Slowly strolling down the sidewalk at 8oclock pm I spied on 2 sly thieves steeling computers. I knew I had to do something as I was a policeman. I decided not to call for backup the horribly loud noise would give me away. So I crept up on them and BOOM I kicked one in the knee then he collapsed in pain. Suddenly there was a bright light it didn’t hurt my eyes. I realised I had been killed; I was in heaven I looked down from the sky and saw the thieves running away I regret not calling for backup. 


When I was in the garden it was there, an awkward shaped disk all these symbols had to mean something. What could they mean?

Betty ran home as fast as she could, up to the attic she ran .betty closely examined the disk it was amazingly weird she thought.

Suddenly I saw the brightest light of my life it was probably brighter than heaven I thought, the brightest place?

Betty ran right past her mum puzzling her, past her dad and boring brother. There she was in front of the mysterious and magical light.



My fingers trembled vigorously; I was digging as fast as humanly possible to hide my life’s work, concealed underground. After 5 minutes of digging deeper into the cold, soled ground, I dropped my paperwork into the pitch black hole just waiting for someone one to find me. Once I had ensured that there my surroundings had no sign of human existence, I smothered the deep cavern in the ground with dirt and stamped it down. As I walked away a hooded man confronted me...   


My eyelids batted to focus my swollen droopy eyes,

As they focused ... I saw a bright light shining on me.


                 Oh god.

Millie S

“Hello and welcome to your intimate doom players...” the voice chuckled,”you will be put up to almost undefeatable trials. The winner will take a step towards freedom, the loser? You’ll find out soon enough...”

I was in there with Swarley Grey, the trickster, Natasha Fraunk, the snooty chic, loads of other teenagers, and then me. I was Brooklyn High, and I hoped I’d survive...

Tuesdays challenge was finding our way across the water pit using bread. Yeah, bread. Seriously?

I finally found out what happens to the loser! They take a trip up the stairway of heaven... Now the next challenge is up and I had to stop writing.

I lost the challenge and then I saw a bright light. That’s why I’m dead.


It was the time I moved houses, I was so excited. I explored the rooms; the last room I explored was the basement. In the basement, was an old cupboard, next to it was a wall, on the wall was French writing, the wall said “Shine, Shimmer, Glimmer, if you say these 3 words you will be teleported to a world of your dreams!” As I whispered the three words the cupboard shined, shimmered and glimmered, the door opened...and then I saw a bright light...I went in the portal and..........IT WAS AMAZING, it really was the world of my dreams... when I came out I was as silent as a mouse and on that day I never spoke anything about it...       


Whilst I was strolling through the woods, early one evening, I started to run because it was getting dark. I needed to get home as my family were waiting for me.

In a flash I tripped and fell in a pile of rough leaves, feeling like rocks. I tried to walk but it was no use!

I felt terrified. I tried to use my phone but as I fell it smashed in to tiny pieces.  WHAT SHOULD I DO? All of a sudden a bright light went over the top of me. I thought it was a plane but I was wrong...

Millie W

I was walking home from KFC in the pitch black night; my annoying little brother had asked me if we could have it for dinner on Tuesday, so I told mum she would not have to leave dinner in the microwave. When I was crossing the road I saw a bright light hurdling towards me I screamed!


I woke to be lying in a hospital bed with a tube in my wrist there was plaster cast on my arm and leg. My mum turned around to see my eyes open tears drew from her eyes. She lifted her arms to show me my KFC we both giggled.


One bright and windy day I was sitting on my bed listening to some music relaxing, my mum and dad went shopping I stayed at home with my older sister. I was a bit board. I was getting changed and a really bright light appeared from the wardrobe. I quickly got all my clothes and run out the door, I went to tell my sister, I know I’m not crazy. I  looked in the wardrobe and got sucked in to a land full of snow...I don’t  know what I should do suddenly I saw someone walking towards me and I panicked, What should I do ...


I’ve been down in this deep, dark, dingy and damp underground dungeon/prison cell for 403.5 days (a year and 38.5 days) I wanted to see someone. I needed to see someone, or I would continue descending to madness. I’m given pittance every day because I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. You must be wondering how I happen to be here with another 20 years to go. I was strolling peacefully and then I saw a bright light. When suddenly there on the stone cold ground was a girl with stone cold skin limp on the ground.


I was walking through the park and then I saw a bright light crash into the ground, so I went over to it and had a good look. It looked like a meteor. It was 1 ft tall and 1 ft wide also it smelt like burnt beef so I thought “what shall I do”. All of a sudden some man come walking by so I said “excuse me would you know what this is”

“it looks like a meteor”

“that’s what I thought what shall we do with it”

“well we could take it to the lab”

“but what if we can`t  touch it”

“well we will just have to phone them up”


And then I saw a bright light from the Valley, Charlton’s ground, when I was playing football.  It was the floodlights. Suddenly the light started making mysterious dots. I started to shiver like a fish I wondered what the floodlights are doing? The rain started to come down as I crept into my locker  looked  out the window  at the floodlights. I got back outside and I saw a flood outside as we ran like Usain Bolt.


Hi I’m Alice. (Smiley face) and if you’re reading this you obviously want to hear my story.

Well it all started when I was walking home from the gym. On my way to burger king (don’t judge me).

THEN AT THE CORNER OF MY EYE I SAW A MIME. It looked like he was earning lots of money. He was wearing makeup (what a weirdo!) people were clapping and putting money in his hat. A woman was going crazy accidently.    


I was cautiously creeping through the mysterious woods to try and find my lovely camp site, which I have been to many times before. It was pitch black; I did not know where I was going! I carried on travelling through the mysterious woods... I was terrified. Then out of nowhere a strange creature started chasing me! I sprinted down the woods; it was pitch black so I hoped I wouldn’t crash into a tree. I knew where I was now and I could hear the fast flowing river to my left. And then I saw a bright light . . .

Friday 13 September 2013

Rest in Peace by Tina

One sunny and bright afternoon I was on my daily swim, which was rather pleasant, when suddenly a huge monster appeared on the surface of the water.

It seemed to be observing me, just waiting for me to move. Then, out of know where

It was lowering a huge hook into the soft, calm water. Down, down it came sawing through the water towards me like a snake looking for his pray. Faster and faster it fell, until ... the hook sank into the poor, petrified fish’s scales and soon he was dead, his spirit, rising towards heaven.

The Weird Eel Like Fish by Jafna

One weird morning a small, lonely boy went fishing, trying to get a catch, however nobody thought he would catch anything seeing as his fishing rod was so small (every one regrets that now).

Something was lurking in the waters, the deep dark waters of the Gobledigoop, some said Gobledigoop was the weirdest place they experienced,  others said nothing. But today the myth of gobledigoop was to be found by the little village boy.

“Suddenly I felt something snagging at my fishing rod so I woke up and started pulling and pulling ,this is it! I thought.”

The Fish in the Water by Millie S

Day 1.

Today I woke up in a strange place filled with abnormal creatures. I have asked to be freed but the things won’t let me go. My name is Janie Grey and will someone please save me...

I am being held here underwater and I don’t think anyone knows I’m even out of bed yet! What am I supposed to do?

Day 2.

I can now feel myself changing into one of those slimy creatures; I don’t even need air anymore. When I try to talk to them all they say is, “We shall conquer all with you!” Maybe because I’m the chief’s daughter. I now grasp the last seconds of being human.


My Dad and I! By Millie W

Me and my dad were fishing by the bay. He quickly told my brother to stop throwing stones or we will never catch anything. My dad suddenly skidded into the water I couldn’t help but laugh! My brother pulled his rod out of the water a monstrous fish on the other end nearly snapping the rod. My dad jumped up to let the gigantic thing off the hook, my brother screamed with shock he was still firmly holding the rod .my brother quickly snapped I caught something and I was throwing stones’. My dad paused looked at my brother and said “it’s about time you learn to take a fish off your own hook.            

The Gigantic Fish by Mayeda

Once in London I went fishing with my special fishing rod. It was the time when I was fishing day dreaming about me catching a fish, suddenly my rod shook I couldn’t pick it up so I asked for help and got it out it looked horrible. We couldn’t control it so unluckily it went back in to the water but it was a dream ...but...”help me I can’t pick the fish up!”...

The Caribbean by Mason, Maison and Joseph

My two mates and I were scuba diving in the Caribbean.  We were about to dive off the boat when a suspicious creature was swimming around the boat. The dolphins were acting weird, it must be a shark, we dived in and sank to the bottom of the ocean.  Suddenly out of nowhere a great white shark bit Mason Parker’s fingers but luckily he was wearing chainmail. We carried on exploring the amazing coral reef and we saw lots of fantastic creatures. Then we saw a black tip above us . . . the great white came back . . .

The Terrfifying Fish by Kelly and Kerry

One sunny morning I wanted to go fishing with my best friend so we went.  As we were setting our things up we saw something in the water, so  quickly I pulled it  up, and I nearly fell in because it was so heavy. Suddenly, I glanced at it for a while. ... Then we both got an electric shock! Then I threw the fish back in but I fell in with it....My friend went to get help. Shortly after a lifeguard arrived and pulled me out, I was soaked my friend was laughing at me. Then we walked home.

Fishing by Jamie

Yesterday I decided to go to Paddock Wood fishing lake and I was relaxing in my chair with my fishing rod gently quivering in the lake. I already had five tiddlers in my net bag to take home. Ten minutes later something was tugging really hard I reeled it as hard as I could but my hand was aching so much. SUDDENTLY! The slug looking alien that I thought was a fish appeared out of the water. I was having a real wrestle with it. It stared at me with its googly eyes. I was so scared I threw it back in to the lake as it was so terrifying.        

Fish Attack by Heather

One day I was swimming quite peacefully through a refreshing river when I happened to pass a fellow fish in distress. As I went closer I noticed that he was caught in horrible, horrible murder weapon... a fishing net. Whipping my tail, I charged upwards towards the attacker. I broke out of the water and landing on the monsters blonde head. I panicked. I started biting his face as he ran around like a headless chicken. He grabbed me round my middle and launch me back into the water, the fish had broke free I had won! For now.    

By Harry




A strange fish by Emmanuel

Emmanuel went fishing and caught a strange fish and it nearly bit him. The eyes of the fish were mysterious and it looked like a shark with huge eyes, sharp teeth and a slimy skin. It had a weird tale pink skin black eyes with a dot.

Friday 6 September 2013

A Day at the Skate Park by Harry, Jamie and Emmanuel

After school Jamie and Emmanuel were at the skate park in Swanley. An hour later Harry turned up and we all had a game of s.c.o.o.t. it was Jamie’s  set first and his set was a whip rewind it was Harry’s turn to do the whip rewind and he failed it  then it was Emmanuel’s turn and he bailed it. His set was a 180 .... suddenly I heard a crack....

A Stormy Night by Emad

It was a dark stormy night when two little boys walked into a scary damp horrifying house that nobody  knew about and they went in the house.....

It was damp the boy called mason went up stairs and Emad stayed down stairs suddenly I heard crack he did not go shouted Mason but he did not reply  so I slowly went up stairs

I was shocked mason stabbed I was scared but then I saw a shadow slowly coming to me slowly with a sharp and long knife... and I ran for life and went running back home thinking  about what happen.

The Truck by James

One day when I looked out off the window  there was suddenly three men looking at me and were holding crowbars and had blood on them!...Then I turned around to get mum then I heard a crack and then I ran upstairs and suddenly mum had disapered from my eyes. then I saw my mum in the back off a truck tied up and then the three men tried to kill me by burning the house but I survived and didn’t stop until I found my mum!       

Lola Rose by Millie Rose

I got up and walked into mum’s room! She was gone... Jake was still in bed... I walked into the bathroom... nothing! I woke Jake, he got up suddenly I heard a crack! Jake had steeped on a egg. Jake did not bother mopping up his slimy foot. Jake put on his flip flops and declared go to look for my mum he told me to lock the door and stay in bed.... it was really dark I couldn’t turn my light on since the light bulb had blown. There was a knock on the door.... it was not Jake he had a key.....    

The girl who lived in the rainforest! by Mayeda and Georgina

Deep in the rain forest there was a girl named Cheeky who lived with her animal friends. She shared all her food with her friends. She lived in the biggest tree in the rain forest. One rainy day there was a deadly sound, the sound came closer and closer...suddenly there was a sounded like a tree Falling on the ground. In the distance she found a yellow thing with wheels. She ran until she was out of breath suddenly she saw a spark of light and

When she was in the light ...

The Broken Glass by Cydni and Jessica

My mum brought some new drinking glasses, which were very expensive and she told me not to use them. My friend came round and we were having a sleepover and we were having dinner together. Mother said” behave! I`m going to the shop”. My friend wanted a drink and she used one of my mum`s new drinking glasses and she dropped it on the floor and  ...suddenly we heard a crack...we were trying to fix the glass when we heard the door slam out of nowhere we heard a soft voice” I`m home girls”.WE STARTED TO PANICK.

The Dark Night by Kerry and Kelly

One dark night I entered a haunted  house.

As I slowly walked through the door I suddenly heard a crash! Then I saw a spooky shadow coming towards me!

The shadow pointed at me ,I  was terrified. I thought I was going to die!


After a while the shadow stopped. Then I quickly ran upstairs  and locked myself in the bedroom. I thought I was  safe.

While I was In the bedroom ...suddenly I heard a crack...  and spooky music! Then I opened the door and saw lots of spiders and  ghosts  dancing and having lots of fun!

The Bewitched Forest by Heather

Tree branches lashed at her as she darted through the bewitched forest.  She wasn’t going back even if this was the only place she could go. Suddenly  she stopped. Heaving she spoke to herself “ Come on Lily we have to go deep-”suddenly she heard a crack! Lily started running  rocks from all around her were being hurled at her with tremendous force. The rocks stopped, however she stumbled over a tree root and tumbled down. When Lily got back up she saw the giant  gash on her leg with warm, sticky  blood gushing out her leg. She instantly fainted.

The Story of Marie by Millie

One misty morning, Marie Malice, the quiet type, got up to go to school. It seemed just like a normal day, but all that was going to change...

After she got dressed she made her favourite breakfast, pancakes, she packed her bags and strolled to school with her best friends: Lilly Zelda, Amy Jane and Stella deaden.

At break Vanessa grey, the troublemaker, decided to play with them. ”Hey guys, let’s play truth or dare!” she asked. “What if we played it after school in the forests?” Stella considered.

“Sure” Stella agreed.

Later on, while they were playing, they heard a crack, but they were alone.

Home Alone by Mary and Eva

It all started on the Thirteenth of   September . The worst   day   of  the  year. When  Ruby Green was home alone . Because her parents went on holiday  .she decided to have a   party . There was lots of commotion going on at her party .The house was completely trashed people started to go really crazy . Some people she didn’t  even know were here. Suddenly there was a crack....louder then all of the noise every one ignored it but ruby she crept upstairs she open the closet a BAM she was gone.
No one heard here scream...

Slender Man by Maison

 On a dark stormy night two solders walked in to the terrorizing battlefield. And there hole army force was behind them they were  the bravest commando they have ever seen. The person next to him was his best friend they were the strongest in the army  the commando best friend got dragged into a bush and suddenly they were in a house. The commando went to look up stairs and the forces  suddenly herd a crack.  One man ran down stairs and saw the best friend  and ran towards him and STAB  right though the neck then commando

And shot him and found out it was slender man...

The Evil Cat by Jafna

It all started on a Friday night, when a young girl named Betty fell fast asleep.

In the middle of a deep sleep, I was startled as ...suddenly I heard a crack ...I thought it was because of the storm so I went back to bed .But  about 20 to 25 minutes later I heard a strange  whooshing noise followed by an enormous thud!

 Early the next morning Betty went deep into the forest to investigate about the strange noises from the night before .All Betty saw was a shiny disk like thing with all these ancient symbols...


World at War by Joseph and Mason

 I was in World War 2 and I was flying a racing Spitfire . I was losing power and was  going down, then I woke up and my plane was in the tree I was on  the ground covered in blood . SUDDENLY I heard a crack ! I  knew I was something was wrong !  All of a sudden a stampede of  army men came running out of the woods  , I had to play dead .And   then my solders came out to help me . I was badly injured. I lucky I  am here today anyway we won the war.                       

Hotdog’s day in candy land by Tina

One pleasant morning, Hotdog was watering his petunias with his shimmering, yellow watering can, when a thought sprung into his mind...

“Why don’t I go on holiday to Candy land to visit Kitty?”

The very same afternoon, Hotdog had packed his bags and had arrived at the glorious land of candy. 

As soon as he had dumped his bags on his bed, Hotdog was in the heart of Candy land bouncing on the cotton candy Mountains waving his arms frantically. Suddenly I heard a crack and almost instantly a chunk of candy cane fell and knocked him out cold.