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Friday, 27 September 2013

Amazing Art by Harry

Today the most amazing art work has arrived by the most famous Colin Barry. He is one of the best architects in the world. He arrived yesterday, starting to make his most and new amazing leg masterpiece. He started it in the early hours of the morning, as I was eating my breakfast.  So then I went and watched some telly and when I got up to have a look to see how far he’s got, he had finished and it looked like a leg monster but when I was looking I just remembered he was gone, so I just went back and watched telly and then just got dressed and went out ... to be continued...


  1. Good use of amazing and masterpiece Harry. An unusual ending, maybe you could have invited friends over to see the masterpiece.

  2. Remembering is one of those days when we remember the loving people who risked their life’s fighting for are country. We were the poppies for the people that died who risked their lives for us. We say thank you to those who die as a hero to our country.


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